Operation Description
causes poor contact between the carbon
bush and the commutator
(5) Bad contact in rectifier
(6) The main contacts of the solenoid
switch are burned, resulting in a
poor connection
(7) The bearing is abraded severely, and the
armature grates against the case
(5) Replace starter
(6) Replace starter
(7) Replace starter
After the engine has been
started, the starter
continues to run but
makes a sharp noise
(1) Lever return spring is broken or loose
(2) Tooth surface on starter pinion gear
snapped or locked
(3) Stuck contact(s) on starting relay
(4) The ignition switch does not return
automatically after starting
(1) Replace starter
(2) Replace starter
(3) Replace the starting relay
(4) Replace the ignition switch Alternator Faults and Troubleshooting
Table 2-9 Alternator Faults and Troubleshooting
The alternator does not
generate electricity
(1) Wiring is wrong, broken, and/or making
poor contact
(2) Rotor circuit broken
(3) Rectifier diode damaged
(4) Carbon bushes are not making
proper contact
(5) Regulator is damaged
(1) Check and repair the circuits
(2) Replace alternator
(3) Replace alternator
(4) Replace alternator
(5) Replace alternator
The alternator is not
charging properly
(1) The drive V-belt is loose
(2) Bad contact with the carbon brush and
the commutator
(3) The regulator is damaged
(4) Not enough electrolytes in the battery or
battery is sulfurized or too old
(1) Adjust the tension of the
drive V-belt
(2) Replace alternator
(3) Replace alternator
(4) Replace alternator
The alternator
is overcharging
(1) Regulating voltage for the regulator is
too high
(1) Replace the voltage regulator