NOVATECH INSTRUMENTS warrants that all instruments it manufactures are free from defects in
material and workmanship and agrees to replace or repair any instrument found defective during a period of
one year from date of shipment to original purchaser.
This warranty is limited to replacing or repairing defective instruments that have been returned by
purchaser, at the purchaser's expense, to NOVATECH INSTRUMENTS and that have not been subjected to
misuse, neglect, improper installation, repair alteration or accident. NOVATECH INSTRUMENTS shall
have the sole right to final determination regarding the existence and cause of a defect.
This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to any
warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall seller be liable for
collateral or consequential damages.
All instruments manufactured by NOVATECH INSTRUMENTS should be inspected as soon as they are
received by the purchaser. If an instrument is damaged in shipment the purchaser should immediately file a
claim with the transportation company. Any instrument returned to NOVATECH INSTRUMENTS should
be shipped in its original shipping container or other rigid container and supported with adequate shock
absorbing material.
This warranty constitutes the full understanding between NOVATECH INSTRUMENTS and the purchaser
and no agreement extending or modifying it will be binding on NOVATECH INSTRUMENTS unless made
in writing and signed by an authorized official of NOVATECH INSTRUMENTS
4210 198th Street SW, Suite 204
Lynnwood, Washington 98036
United States of America
TEL: 206.301.8986
Copyright 2014 Novatech Instruments