NOVATECH ApS - Skudehavnsvej 30 - DK 9000 Aalborg. P.O.Box 540
Tel. +45 98 16 50 09 Fax +45 98 16 80 97
Terms and units
Table 1. Unit conversion table
1 mm
0.03937 in
1 m
3.281 ft
1 km
0.6214 mi
1 km/h
0.6214 mph
1 kg
2.205 Ib
1 t
2205 Ibs
1 N
0.2248 Ibf
1 Nm
0.7376 Ibf*ft
1 bar
14.5 psi
1 liter
0.264 gal
Table 2. Definitions table
Cargo deck
The area within the CTU boundaries onto which packages may be placed and
Cargo transport unit (CTU) A freight container, swap body, vehicle, railway wagon or any other similar
unit in particular when used in intermodal transport.
Clean CTU
A CTU free from:
Any previous cargo residues;
Any securing materials used from previous consignments;
Any marks, placards or signs associated with previous
Any detritus (waste) that may have accumulated in the CTU;
Visible pests and other living or dead organisms, including any part,
gametes, seeds, eggs or propagules of such species that may survive
and subsequently reproduce; soil; organic matter;
All other items covered by contamination, infestation and invasive
alien species that can be discovered upon visible inspection.
Center of gravity
Visible forms of animals, insects or other invertebrates (alive or dead, in any
lifecycle stage, including egg casings or rafts), or any organic material of
animal origin (including blood, bones, hair, flesh, secretions, excretions);
viable or non-viable plants or plant products (including fruit, seeds, leaves,
twigs, roots, bark); or other organic material, including fungi; or soil, or
water; where such products are not the manifested cargo within the CTU.
Load (kN) placed on the trailer is greater than the maximum capacity.
Whoever uses the Roll Trailer or has it operated by suitable trained personal
is considered to be the user (employer/company)
Trained personnel
Trained personnel are persons who have been instructed and trained in the
duties with which they are entrusted and risks which may arise from
incorrect behaviour, have been advised on the necessary protective devices,
precautions, applicable regulations, accident prevention regulations and
prevailing conditions and have proven their ability.
Qualified person
A qualified person is one with the necessary qualification, based on
theoretical and practical knowledge of trailers, for the required activities as
listed in the manual. Person with the authority to undertake certain
maintenance work on our products include service engineers of
manufacturer and trained fitters with the corresponding certification.