OEM6 Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 7
Chapter 6
Ethernet Configuration
The following procedure describes how to configure a NovAtel base and a NovAtel rover through a third
party NTRIP caster. This configuration is recommended for optimal RTK performance.
1. Establish a connection to the receiver using either NovAtel Connect or another terminal program
such as Windows HyperTerminal. This connection is used to send the commands in this procedure to
the receiver.
2. Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet ports on both OEM6 receivers. For this setup, use a
cross-over Ethernet cable.
3. Establish a static or dynamic Ethernet connection.
For information about creating the connection, refer to
Section 6.2 Static IP Address Configuration on
Section 6.3 Dynamic IP Address Configuration on page 78
4. Use the following commands to enable the base receiver as an NTRIP Server:
ntripconfig ncom1 server v2 <endpoint> <mountpoint> <username>
<password> etha
interfacemode ncom1 none rtca off
fix position <lat> <long> <height>
log ncom1 rtcaobs2 ontime 1
log ncom1 rtcaref ontime 10
log ncom1 rtca1 ontime 1
5. Use the following commands to enable the rover receiver as an NTRIP Client:
ethconfig etha auto auto auto auto
ntripconfig ncom1 client v1 <endpoint> <mountpoint> <username>
<password > etha
The following is an NTRIP Client configuration example without the use of a Network RTK system:
interfacemode ncom1 rtca none off
rtksource auto any
psrdiffsource auto any
log bestpos ontime 1 (optional)
For information about establishing a connection using NovAtel Connect, refer to the
Quick Start Guide for the product or NovAtel Connect Help.
If using a specific Network RTK system, certain National Marine Electronics Association
(NMEA) strings are required to be sent from the rover back to the RTK network. For
example, if connected to the VRS mount point, the rover is required to send its position
to the network in a standard NMEA GGA message. This is achieved by issuing the
following commands:
, until data is received by the
caster. For more information about Network RTK options and properties, refer to the
application note
Refer to the
OEM6 Family Firmware Reference Manual
(OM-20000129) for further command details.