Please read the following instructions carefully before using your Levemir
Levemir FlexPen is a disposable dial-a-dose insulin pen. You can select doses from 1
to 60 units in increments of 1 unit. Levemir FlexPen is designed to be used with
Levemir FlexPen should not be used by people who are blind or have severe visual
problems without the help of a person who has good eyesight and who is trained to
use the Levemir FlexPen the right way.
Getting ready
Make sure you have the following items:
Levemir FlexPen
New NovoFine needle
Alcohol swab
Preparing your Levemir FlexPen
Wash your hands with soap and water. Before you start to prepare your
injection, check the label to make sure that you are taking the right type of
insulin. This is especially important if you take more than 1 type of insulin.
Levemir should look clear.
A. Pull off the pen cap (see diagram A).
Wipe the rubber stopper with an alcohol swab.
Attaching the needle
Remove the protective tab from a disposable needle
Screw the needle tightly onto your FlexPen. It is important that
the needle is put on straight (see diagram B).
Never place a disposable needle on your Levemir FlexPen until
you are ready to take your injection.