Depending on the Start/Stop rule with which the device is configured, it may lose information if it is to continue registering during a power outage.
Start/Stop By Keyboard:
A Modbus command or digital input may be lost during the device’s power-up.
Immediate Start:
"Date/Time" or "Daily" parameters will return when the device is powered up again and is able to resume the clock.
In the case of a power outage,
LogBox Wi-Fi
cannot reset the clock on its own. Thus, if the clock information is lost, the device will not log until the
clock is reset.
Alarm information, maximum and minimum values reached in each channel, as well as Date/Time of the last event are data that can be lost if the
device is left out of power for more than 30 minutes. The data logged in the periodicity of logs or the digital input events, if it is configured for Event
Log, are the only ones that are certainly not lost (unless a new configuration is applied, or the user chooses to clear the memory).
has the functionality of reporting the maximum and minimum values logged, as well as informing all logs in an alarm situation.
When a device that is connected to the mains (a thermocouple or voltage simulator, for example) is used in the analog inputs and is not
isolated, it is recommended to use a different reading interface than USB. In some cases, due to the influence of the USB cable connection
(probably by ground loops), the occurrence of noise and reading Offset
have been detected.
When operated by batteries and no acquisition is being performed,
LogBox Wi-Fi
will keep the analog circuit switched off. This strategy is
necessary so that it can operate for more than two years without needing to change batteries. However, some analog signal simulators
(thermocouple simulator or Pt100, for example) may not be able to operate correctly with this characteristic, causing false Offset
oscillations in the readings. If such a problem is identified, it is recommended to power the
LogBox Wi-Fi
external power supply or By USB
port while using the simulator.
Setting the local network frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) is important to improve the analog channels’ reading performance, even if the device is
running on battery power. Usually, the power grid causes interference, which can be more easily mitigated if its frequency is known on the signal
read by the sensors.
The alarm status information, as well as the maximum and minimum values reached in each channel, is updated by any events that trigger an
acquisition, which may be a read in the log range or in the display update range. If a channel reaches a minimum or maximum value or an alarm
condition during an acquisition that does not occur during the log range, it may not be logged in the memory. Thus, statuses may indicate that the
channel has already reached one of these situations and the information is not available in a download.
The log range must be configured according to the maximum period allowed by the process being monitored, so that no important information is
lost (and no longer being logged).
If there is a loss of the communication link between the Broker and any of the Subscribers or the possible lack of electricity, it is possible that
Subscriber will lose some of the logs subsequently published by
LogBox Wi-Fi
. If this occurs, the set_download topic allows you to request that the
device resend the logs that were lost during that period, by setting a start date for it (see
section of the