GyroSet™ Toolbox
List of your Networks
It may take some time for the application to read your network.
Loading bars will always indicate its progress throughout the app.
Available network:
A network is
if all its elements are present, all the devices are ON, and within range.
Tapping on an
available network
will take you to the Manage Network menu where you can
access more settings regarding that network.
Unavailable network:
A network is unavailable if one or more of its elements are not present. They are either turned
OFF, out of range or they may be
IF you’re experiencing this effect because your active device (either Dongle or Cubo depending
on what kind of network is affected) is broken, then please contact
Tapping on an unavailable network will take you to the
Once you have a replacement for the device in question, you press Repair
in the Notification window, which will navigate you to the