The telescope consists of three
main parts: optical tube assembly
(OTA) (1), german equatorial mount
(2), a pier or tripod (3).
the optical tube
is a basic component
of the telescope. It includes all main
optical units such as a primary mirror,
a corrector and an eyepiece unit with
focusing mechanism.
A Catadioptric Telescope (Klevtsov
System): beams of rays, reflected
from the primary mirror (1), pass
through the corrector lenses (2)
and (3) and having reflected from
the smooth surface of the lens (3),
go back through corrector, forming
the object’s image at the focal plane
of the eyepiece (4).
For comfort observations of celestial
objects close to zenith, eyepiece
unit is inclined on 90° relatively to
the optical axis of the telescope with
help of flat diagonal mirror (5).
A standard set includes two
eyepieces and a Barlow lens, which
allow observing celestial objects
with various rate of magnification.
The OTA supplied with a finder-
scope, makes searching for celes-
tial objects easier.