hen turned off, you can open the door.
Double wrapping, it lights up when you select the cycles 1, 2, 5, 6 or 7.
Packs, it lights up when you select the cycles 2 or 7.
Single wrapping, it lights up when you select the cycle 4.
Unwrapped instruments, it lights up when you select the cycle 3.
Pressure gauge. When it is on, the numbers to the right indicate the value of the pressure in the
chamber expressed in Bar.
Thermometer. When it is on, the numbers to the right indicate the value of the temperature in the
chamber expressed in Celsius degrees.
Cycle class indicators, B or S.
Temperature cycle indicators, 121°C for cycles 2 and 7; 134°C for cycles 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Indicates the sterilization time depending on the selected cycle. Only during sterilization is acti-
vated the countdown to the remaining time at the end of this phase.
select the program, the menu or the function.
turns on or off the unit, during the navigation in the menu it is used to exit/go back.
starts and stops the cycle, during the navigation in the menu is used to con-
firm the selection.