“ECO” turns off the heating when not strictly needed
Push START to set
and go back to “ENERGY”, with DOWN (or UP) select another menu.
” sets the count for the expiration date printed on the adhesive labels (option). Push
START to enter, using UP and DOWN select the number of days.
Push START to set and go back to “EXP DAYS”, with DOWN (or UP) select another menu.
”: in this menu there are additional adjustments not commonly used. Push START to enter,
DOWN (or UP) to select items and options, then again START to set and go back to the main items:
“PRINTER” selects the function of an external printer (option):
“REPORT” is used for a standard serial printer that releases a complete cycle report like saved in
the USB device.
“LABEL” is used in combination of a Dymo Labelwriter SE450 (just for this model) to release la-
bels to be attached on the packs at the end of the cycle, if this function is selected, at the end of
the cycle the display will show LABELS, select the number of prints needed with UP and DOWN,
the print starts opening the door.
“LANGUAGE” selects the language of the display messages and cycles report
“ALTITUDE” adjust the elevation above the see level of the practice (needed to operate correctly)
“H2O DOSE” adjust the water dose loaded during the cycle, this calibration permits to adapt the cycle
to different load absorption
“VACUUM” adjust the level of the pre-vacuum, commonly not needed, it is designed to adapt to differ-
ent local requirements
“ADD DRY TIME” permits to increase the drying time of the cycles to improve the dryness in critical
condition of the load. After selecting the desired value (in minutes) and set with START, the display
shows the following:
“DRY MODE” selects the auto-adapt vacuum phase that permits to decrease the drying time
when the drying value is acceptable
“PRESS-TEM” shows in the same time all the three temperature sensors used in the chamber, only for
technical diagnosis
“TECH MENU” protected setup only for authorized service (password required)
“FACTORY” only for factory adjustments (password required)
Some adjustment may void the sterilization effects, do not try to enter in the TECH MENU