- Fruhmann GmbH - 7343 Neutal, Austria
Motor / Generator Model
Function model for the demonstrative explanation of the physical laws
as function of an electric motor. All spare parts are clearly organized
1 c) Shunt wound motor
Put the iron core solid into the moving coil and attached it to B.
Connect A1 to S1 and A2 to S2 (or A2 to S1, turning direction) with
the help of the black connecting leads.
Put one of the red connecting leads into the A1socket (or A2, turning
direction) and one of the blue connecting leads into the A2 socket (or
S2, turning direction! ).Apply DC on the red and blue connecting
leads (polarity = turning direction) and observe the turning of the
anchor. If it it necessary, tip the anchor a little bit with the hand.
To apply load on the motor, the belt can be applied to the belt disk
and the anchor pulley. To apply additional load, a holder with slotted
weights can also be attached.Then the voltage and current is measu-
rement with a measuring device. The readings are to be noted.
2 a) DC generator
Put the two magnetic (homopolar) between the pole plates.
Connect A1 to L1 and A2 to L2 (or A1 to L2 and A2 to L1, direction of
current !). Set the driving disk into motion and observe the lighting
of the bulb. Then the voltage and current is measurement with a
measuring device like e.g. P3210-1C. The readings are to be noted.
2 b) External pole generator
Put the iron core solid into the moving coil and attached it to B.
Connect A1 to L1, L2 to S2 and S1 to A2. Set the driving disk into
motion and observe the lighting of the bulb. Then the voltage and
current is measurement with a measuring device like e.g. P3210-1C.
The readings are to be noted.
2 ) External pole generator
Put the iron core solid into the moving coil and attached it to B.
Connect A1 to S1, A2 to S2, S1 to L1 and S2 to L2. Set the driving
disk into motion and observe the lighting of the bulb. Then the volta-
ge and current is measurement with a measuring device like e.g.
P3210-1C. The readings are to be noted.
A1.. Anchor socket 1
S1.. Stator coil socket 1
L1 .. Lamp socket 1
B .. 2mm-bush for moving coil SE
A2 .. Anchor socket 2
S2 .. Stator coil socket 2
L2 .. Lamp socket 2