nal De
Connection interrupted
The communication is interrupted
because of an error occurrence
during data communication.
Content length exceeds maximum
size for i-motion
Failed to retrieve the data be-
cause its volume has exceeded
the maximum size.
Content length exceeds replayable
size for i-motion
Failed to retrieve the data be-
cause its volume has exceeded
the maximum size.
Continue using
ppli and transmit
This message appears when the
number of times of communica-
tion performed while an i-
software is used has increased
significantly for a certain period
of time. To continue using the
ppli software, select [Yes].
To continue using the i-
software after the communica-
tion is terminated, select [No]. To
quit the i-
ppli software, select
Copy-protected program
Failed to record the One Seg
program which you are watching
because the copy signal indi-
cates that the program cannot be
recorded (P.252).
C o py - p r o t e c t e d p r o gra m . E n d
End recording the One Seg pro-
gram because the copy control
signal that indicates the program
cannot be recorded is detected
while recording the One Seg pro-
Could not find channel
Failed to search any broadcast
station in the current area.
Could not move
Failed to move data because of
an error occurrence.
Could not save
Failed to save the image, music
data, or i-
ppli software.
Failed to save to the microSD
memory card.
Failed to receive data during the
infrared/iC communication or data
communication with a PC.
Failed to save the image or melody
scanned by the bar code reader.
Failed to save the i-motion be-
cause the size exceeded 10M
bytes. You can set a Chaku-Uta
with up to 10M bytes of
i-motion for the ring tone/Alarm
using [Point].
Data in IC-card is full. Unable to
display program guide
Failed to activate the program
guide because the Osaifu-Keitai-
compatible i-
ppli IC card is full
of data. Delete the Osaifu-Keitai-
compatible i-
ppli software and
its data from the IC card, and then
retry the operation (P.215).
Data in IC card is full. Unable to
download. Delete service?
Failed to download the data
b e c a u s e t h e O s a i f u - K e i t a i -
compatible i-
ppli IC card is full
of data. When you select [Yes],
the names of the Osaifu-Keitai
services on the card appear.
Select a service name and de-
lete its Osaifu-Keitai-compatible
ppli software and data from
the IC card.
Data transmission is frequent.
Continue transmission?
This message appears when the
number of times of communica-
tion performed while an i-
software is used has increased
significantly for a certain period
of time. To continue using the
ppli software, select [Yes].
To continue using the i-
software after the communica-
tion is terminated, select [No]. To
quit the i-
ppli software, select
Deleted invalid text
Characters other than digits can-
not be accepted for the postal
code. They are discarded.
Download failed
Failed to download because of an
error occurrence.
Draft is full. Cannot create
The number of saved mail has
reached 50 or there is not enough
memory. Delete unnecessary
saved mail (P.193).
Error in IC card data. Unable to
delete software
Failed to delete the software be-
cause data in the Osaifu-Keitai-
compatible i-
ppli IC card con-
tains an error.
Error in image. Does not wor k
The Flash movie cannot be
played back correctly due to
some errors in the Flash movie.
Error in the dictionary
There are some words or phrases
that have failed to be saved be-
cause of an error in part of the
dictionary data (words or phrases
that have been saved successfully
can be used as dictionary data).
Exceeds max number of simultaneous
This message appears when
you originate a PushTalk call
to more than four members.
Reduce the number of members
you select to four or less and
originate the call again.
Final number exists. Cannot shoot
The microSD memory card con-
tains a file with the maximum num-
ber (999-9999), so no more files can
be saved in it. Delete the images
from the largest file numbers (P.290).