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8.0 Maintenance

The damper should be inspected after the first 6 months of 

operation. Remove any accumulated


dust and dirty using a soft


brush and low power vacuum cleaner (e.g. a small battery operated


model). Thereafter; inspect and clean the damper as site condition


dictates. We recommend that inspection should take place at least


once a year


9.0 Warranty

The damper is supplied with a 5 year warranty when used with 
Nuaire fans. The first year includes parts and labour with the 
remaining period parts only. The warranty period begins on the 
date of delivery. If the damper is not used with Nuaire fans the 
warranty period is 12 months parts only.

This warranty is void if the equipment is modified without 
authorisation, is incorrectly applied, misused, disassembled, or not 
installed, commissioned and maintained in accordance with the 
details contained in this manual and general good practice. 

The product warranty applies to the UK mainland and in 
accordance with Clause 14 of our Conditions of Sale. Customers 
purchasing from outside of the UK should contact Nuaire 
International Sales office for further details.

10.0 After Sales

For  technical  assistance  or  further  product  information, 

including spare parts and replacement components, please contact 

the After Sales Department.

Tel: 02920





10.0 Appendix 1. Detailed operating

sequence of CVD damper 

On power up

The active LED will flash 3 times; after this the LED will be lit 

continuously if the switched live signal or the CVD-PIR is active

(boost mode) and flash slowly if it is inactive (trickle mode). 

The damper will drive close for 12 seconds then open for 15 seconds.

The damper will then drive close for 90 seconds to ensure it starts

its operation from the fully closed position. Some noise may be

heard during this period as the damper is driven against its end


Warning – the unit must be connected permanently to the mains

supply during normal operation. Use the switched live (SL) or the

CVD-PIR to select boost setting. If the mains switch is switched on

and off in normal operation, the noise generated during this start

up routine may become a nuisance. 

2. The unit will start to measure the airflow after the initial power

on routine. If the airflow is below the minimum calibration value 

(e.g. 5l/s for CVD100), it will drive open until it reaches half way 

through its allowable travel (approximately 15mm from the 

foam) and stop.

3. When there is a consistent airflow greater than the minimum

calibration (e.g. 5l/s for CVD100) for more than 10 seconds, the 

unit will begin to operate normally. The damper will be driven 

open or close depending on the measured airflow and the 

relevant set point.

4. If the fan is stopped and the damper is less than half opened 

then the damper will travel to half opened position and stop. If 

the damper is at position beyond this, it will just stop. 

This is to make sure the damper is opened when the fan restart. 

The fan is considered to have restarted the conditions given in 

point 3 is met.

5. The damper has a limited travel of approximately 35mm.

Therefore it is essential that the gap between the foam and

damper blade is less than 35mm to obtain full controllability 

before the damper is switched on. A maximum gap of about 

20mm is recommended and would be the normal gap when the 

damper is delivered. Do not manually move the damper blade 

beyond its operating range.

Note 1: 

The CVD volume control dials were calibrated in our laboratory 

under ideal flow conditions to give typical accuracies as given 

in table below.  These should be used as a guide to the setting 

position. Site conditions may cause the calibration to drift; 

e.g. bends or inlet grille being too close or multiple bends.

If this occurs; the trickle and boost set point should be 

adjusted up or down as necessary to produce the desired 


*Typical accuracies of the dampers under ideal conditions.

CVD125 …..……+/-3l/s

CVD150 ………+/-3l/s

CVD200 ………+/-4l/s 

Please see leaflet 671405 for guidance on commissioning the

system and CVD dampers.

Installation and Maintenance

CVD Constant Volume Dampers


10. 05. 17. Leaflet Number 671638

Technical or commercial considerations may, from time to time, make it necessary to alter the design, performance and 

dimensions of equipment and the right is reserved to make such changes without prior notice.
