Battery Care
To ensure your machine remains at its maximum efficiency and prolong your battery life,
please follow the simple steps below:
Under normal daily usage:
Recharge batteries after each use regardless of machine operation time (see page 20).
Showing location of Viewing panel for
charging-light sequence.
Recharge the machine fully after its last use. Do not leave the machine in a discharged state.
Under abnormal use; i.e. leaving the machine without charging
for a period of time, we advise that you follow these steps:
If the machine will be standing unused for a period of 30 days or more,
then batteries must be fully charged and battery fuses removed using
the Maxi fuse-puller provided, prior to this period.
Batteries should be recharged every three months.
Charge fully the day before you start using the machine again.
Signal (LED)
Charging Normally, 23 hours MAX
Yellow flashing Charging Finished, (Trickle Charging)
Fully Charged
Remove Mains Supply
Failure of charger profile –
corrective action replace faulty battery
Charging stopped. time out timer expired (27hrs)
- corrective action replace faulty batteries
Internal charger failure –
corrective action replace charger