What a difference a year makes!
At this point of development, your baby’s eating
habits are becoming more like an adult’s. Your baby
will likely be self-feeding with fingers and utensils
and growing more vocal about likes and dislikes.
At this stage, it’s as important as ever to serve your
baby a variety of flavors and textures; what you
introduce now will set the foundation for future
eating habits. Encourage experimentation by
consistently serving a wide variety of options from
each food group. Even if servings go untouched, your
baby will grow familiar with the food you prepare
and more likely to actually eat it in the future.
Every child develops differently, so it’s important to talk to your
pediatrician to make informed decisions about what foods are
appropriate, specifically, for your baby. If at any point you become
concerned with your baby’s eating habits, contact your pediatrician
for advice.