Chip Errata for the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6DualPlus/6QuadPlus, Rev. 6.1, 06/2016
NXP Semiconductors
iATU Enabled (CX_INTERNAL_ATU_ENABLE =1) bit 28 (CFG_SHIFT_MODE) is enabled in
The implementation of the Enhanced Configuration Address Mapping (ECAM) feature violates
the PCIe specification requirement that all reserved fields should always be "0". The basic idea is
that the Bus/Device/Function (BDF) address is shifted 4 bits down so that the entire Cfg space can
be mapped into a 256 MB region, rather than requiring multiple address translation tables, or a 4GB
translation space. The BDF is then supposed to be shifted back up from bits 27:12 to 31:16 in the
outgoing TLP (actually Bytes 8 and 9 in the Cfg TLP). The core does not do this translation
correctly when the CFG Shift bit is set in an iATU entry.
Projected Impact:
The reserved bits 15:0 are not all "0" as required by the PCIe specification.
Proposed Solution:
No fix scheduled.
Linux BSP Status:
No software workaround can be implemented to mask or workaround this erratum. This erratum
will result in impacted or reduced functionality as described above.
PCIe: iATU - Optional programmable CFG Shift feature for ECAM is
not correctly updating address (9000642041)