Chip Errata for the i.MX 6Dual/6Quad and i.MX 6DualPlus/6QuadPlus, Rev. 6.1, 06/2016
NXP Semiconductors
If PhyRdy goes low during reception of a non-data FIS, the ERR_I (Recovered Data Integrity) bit
is set. Since deassertion of PhyRdy is not recoverable at any time, the ERR_I bit should not be set.
However, according to the AHCI specification, the INFS bit should still be set if PhyRdy goes low
during a non-data FIS.
Projected Impact:
Both the P#IS.INFS and P#SERR.ERR_I bits are set when Phy Not Ready condition is detected
during a non-data FIS.
From the software point of view, this should not matter since it should use the P#IS.PRCS bit to
recover from PhyRdy going low. Reading the P#IS.INFS and P#SERR.ERR_I bits is secondary.
The probability of this problem occurring is low.
Software can ignore the P#IS.INFS and P#SERR.ERR_I bits when the P#IS.PRCS bit is set.
Proposed Solution:
No fix scheduled
Linux BSP Status:
Software workaround not implemented in Linux BSP. Functionality or mode of operation in which
the erratum may manifest itself is not used.
SATA: 9000447882—ERR_I bit set when PhyRdy goes low during
non-data FIS reception