e500 User Manual
(15PL1011 - Rev.7 6_6_2017) English version
5.2 Ventilation Modes
The e500 ventilator is equipped with a number of ventilation modes to enable
the healthcare provider to tailor the ventilator settings to the patient’s specific
respiratory requirements. Ventilation could be delivered invasively (ET tube)
or non-invasively (mask).
In all modes, should the patient demand more flow than set by Health care
provider, he/she can inhale the required volume from ambient.
Each ventilation mode has a default setting (based on the initial patient size
setting selection on startup) which will be initiated on selection of that specific
ventilation mode if no changes to the settings are made.
When switching between ventilation modes, any shared parameter will be
carried over and any new parameter will be set to the default.