Mounting the Pots and Switches
A close up of the single gang Triangle Modulation Depth pot with its solder bracket.
If you are using the recommended Alpha pots then they can help support the PCB with the addition
of the specially manufactured pot brackets. However, given the large size of the SRE330 PCB it is
also necessary to utilise the three additional mounting holes at the rear edge of the board. These
holes are sized to take an M3 screw and can be used with suitable hex spacers to attach the PCB
directly to the lower panel of your case.
Alpha pots are labelled with an A, B or C prefix. For example: B50K or C10K. Alpha and ALPS
use the key; A = logarithmic, B = linear and C = reverse logarithmic. So a B50K is a 50 kilohm
linear pot. You can use 47K in place of a 50K pot.
When constructing the board, temporarily fit the pot brackets to their pots by the nuts and washers
supplied with the pots. Now fit the pot and pot bracket assembly into the appropriate holes in the
PCB. Solder only the three, or six for the dual gang pots, pins that connect to the pot.
Do not
the pot bracket at this stage. When you have soldered all the pot pins you can fit the board
temporarily to the front panel. Ensure that the PCB is at right angles to the panel, the three dual
gang pots should hold it so, and then solder each of the brackets.
If you have used an enclosure, such as the Bryant and Holt “Joggle” 19” cases, that does not allow
you to access all the pot bracket pins once the board is fitted up to it, then only solder the pins you
can easily reach from the board's underside. Once these have been soldered remove the board from
the front panel and solder the ones along the front edge.