Centre tapped wallwarts and linelumps
Centre tapped linelumps like the Yamaha PA-20 will have three wires coming from their connector.
It will have two AC outputs and one 0V. Take one of the AC outputs to terminal AC1 and the other
AC output to terminal AC2. It should not matter which AC output goes to AC1 or AC2. The 0V
should go to the 0V1 terminal. The 0V2 terminal is left unused.
Connecting to a linelump wiring with centre tapped output, eg. Yamaha PA-20
The front panel switch is a double pole single throw (DPST) switch which connects S2R and S2S
together, and S1R and S1S together, when switched on. Both fuses are fitted and they are both
800mAT anti-surge or time lag types.
All power wiring uses 24/0.2 insulated wire. I have also boot lace ferrules on the wire ends that go into the
terminal blocks for neatness.