Local Radio
Go to the home loca on by pressing the
bu on
and use the or
bu on
select this func on. A complete list of the available local radio sta ons being
streamed over the internet will be displayed.
Select the desired sta on using the
/ bu ons
and press the
Forward Cursor
bu on
to display a list of op ons:
Add to My Favorites
– Press the
OK bu on
to add the currently playing sta on
to the next empty entry in the preset list as described under
Adding a radio
sta on to the Preset List
Auto Scan
– Use this op on to scan slowly through the list of available sta ons.
To select a sta on while it is playing press the
OK bu on
– Play the sta on highlighted in the list.
Solu ons for some Common Problems
Trouble connec ng the radio to a Wi-Fi network:
A) Make sure that a Wi-Fi network or hard wired Ethernet connected PC /
Laptop can access the internet and is connected to the same Wi-Fi network
as the radio
B) A DHCP (Dynamic Host Configura on Protocol) server must be available on
the PC/Laptop or a Sta c IP (Internet Protocol) address must be assigned to
the radio by using the following procedure:
• Search the internet for instruc ons on “how to get an IP address”
• From the Home loca on on the radio select the Configura on func on,
Network, Manual Configura on, Wireless and DCHP to turn it off. A display
will appear so that the sta c IP address can be assigned to the radio.
C) Make sure the PC/Laptop firewall is not blocking the port used by the radio.
D) Some me access points (ports) are configured such that to connect to it
devices must have their MAC address assigned to it. If this is the case the
display will show a message of “Bad ESSID or Key”. To resolve this problem
obtain the radio’s MAC address using the Informa on Center func on and
enter it into the Access Point allowed devices list.
E) If the Wi-Fi network is using “Encryp on” make sure that the correct “Key” or
“Passphrase” have been entered into the radio. To re-enter from Home
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