The Transmitters (TMTs) emit low frequency signals that radiate
outward in semicircular patterns that are parallel to the length
dimension of the TMT. A coiled antenna inside the ATOM
receives the signals when it is positioned within a zone parallel
to or at a 45 degree angle to the TMT as illustrated on page 92.
The ATOM cannot effectively receive a signal when it is held out
to the sides of the TMT or held at distances greater than 6 feet (2
meters) in front of the TMT. Best reception is achieved when the
ATOM is within 3 feet (1 meter) of the TMT.
When installed into the high pressure ports of the Regulator First
Stages, the TMTs must be positioned so that they face horizon-
tally outward from the Tank Valves.
Link Interruption Underwater
During a dive, you may at times move the ATOM out of the
signal pattern of the TMT, resulting in a temporary interruption of
the Link signal.
An interruption lasting greater than 15 seconds will cause the
Tank Pressure value to flash, the Link icon to flash, the Audible
Alarm to sound, and message TMTx > LINK > LOST to scroll
(Fig. 77). The Link will be restored within 4 seconds after the
ATOM is moved back into its correct position.
Fig. 77 - LOST LINK