During No Decompression conditions, various displays of information (up to 4) are avail-
able. Each provides Depth, Dive Time Remaining, and additional information. The intent
of this feature is to provide the diver control of how much information is on display at any
given time during the dive. The diver can change from one display to another as often as
desired by pressing the Left/Front (Advance) button, otherwise it does not change.
During conditions in which cautionary type information is displayed (e.g., Decompression,
High PO2, etc.), there is a Main Display of important information relevant to the specific
condition. The diver can access another display, but it will automatically revert to the
Main Display after 3 seconds.
To activate the Backlight, during a dive press the Right/Side (Select) but-
The displays will be illuminated as long as the button is depressed, plus it will remain
illuminated for the Backlight Duration time that has been set (0, 3, or 7 seconds).
The Backlight will not activate during a Low Battery condition.
The Veo 200/250 will enter the No Decompression Dive Mode when you descend deeper
than 4 feet (1.2 meters).