While in Violation Modes the Alternate Displays previously
described can be accessed using the Left/Front (Advance)
button, and the Backlight can be activated using the Right/Side
(Select) button.
The Veo 200/250 will automatically revert to the Main
Display after 3 seconds unless the Left/Front (Advance)
button is pressed to view another display of information.
NOTE: Upon entry into Violation Modes, the Audible
Alarm will sound and the red LED will flash for sev-
eral seconds followed by a second short beeping
tone. The Alarm will sound even if it is user Set OFF.
It also cannot be turned off (acknowledged) by press-
ing the Left/Front (Advance) button.
Conditional Violation Mode
If you ascend shallower (Fig. 55a) than a Required
Decompression Ceiling Stop Depth displayed (Fig. 55b),
the Down Arrow, Deco Bar, and Total Ascent Time will flash until
you descend below the Required Stop Depth. Also displayed
will be Current Depth and applicable bar graphs.
Fig. 55 - Conditional