Finding The Mounting Location - UNDERWATER
Design -
Allure Series lights are suitable for Fiberglass, GRP and Wooden Hulls, as well as Aluminum/Steel Hulls
using suitable mounting hardware.
If positioning lights on a transom, more smaller sizes look better than fewer bigger sizes.
All colours of light (except blue) are typically absorbed within the first 30 meters or 100 feet. Blue
lights seem brighter than white lights with a better beam spread because they are more perceptible to
the cones in the human eye.
Blue light penetrates the furthest in blue sea water, but may appear whitish or bleached out in green or
brown water due to water impurities.
When lights are pointing downwards, the light can reflect off a sandy sea bed giving a mirrored effect,
and light will bounce back creating even more illumination
Please follow instructions with any accessories used to protect warranty coverage and ensure product
: When installing the Allure XFM units, please check the inside spacing to ensure that if maintenance is
required, there is enough space on the inside of the boat to remove the insert. For example, the XFM
unit requires an additional 160mm / 6.3” from the rear of the mounting tube to allow the insert to be
Depth -
Ideal mounting depth is 100 - 200mm (4 - 8”) from the water line to the top of the fixture, (at 50%
Ideally mount your lights at similar depth levels when using underwater to ensure matching colour
consistency through the water. Deeper lights will look duller and possibly differ in colour to shallower
mounted units.
Spacing -
If positioning lights on a transom, take into consideration swim platforms and obstacles that may block
the initial portion of the light, it may be necessary to use the next model size up.
The recommended transom spacing is 1 - 1.5m (3 - 5’) for 50 or 150 HD models and 1 - 1.8m (3 - 6’) for
250 HD models.
The recommended hull spacing is 1 - 1.8m (3 - 6’) for 50 or 150 HD models and 1.2 - 2.4m (4 - 8’) for 250
HD models.
Installation -
Test units before installation.
Make sure that when installing any underwater light, the entire rear of the bronze flange is always
coated in sealant to prevent any water ingress into the hull from rear of the unit.
(refer to Chapter 3 Fig. 1)
When switching lights on for the first time, take into consideration water clarity, ambient light etc as
first time impressions can be marred by poor conditions.
Test units after installation.
OceanLED INSTALL / ALLURE / 240717 / 7.1