1. Preparing a fiberglass hull
NOTE: For installation on Metal and Carbon Fibre hulls, please contact OceanLED
for correct guidance on fitting.
Always wear safety goggles and a dust mask.
Drill a 3mm / 1/8” pilot hole square to mounting surface from inside the hull
if possible. If there is a rib, strut, or other hull irregularity near the selected
mounting location, this will need to be taken into account in the planning
phase and the location adjusted accordingly, or the obstruction safely
removed or modified. If the pilot hole is found to be drilled in the wrong
location, drill a second hole in a better location and repair first pilot hole.
Using a suitable drill, make a 1/2” (12.5mm) hole. Ensure the light will fit flush
and will be square to the mounting surface.
Sand the area around the hole using a heavy grit sandpaper to remove the
previous bottom paint and to ensure that the sealant will adhere properly
to the hull. If there is any petroleum residue inside the hull, remove it with
acetone before sanding.
Place light fixture into position or use mounting template provided, ensuring
light fixture is correctly orientatied with logo in an upright position to
maximise beam spread effect. Mark the screw hole position and pilot drill
using correct sized drill bit for included screws.
Always dry fit units before applying any sealant.
2. Installing the light fixture
Use a suitable marine sealant such as 3M™ Marine Adhesive Sealant Fast Cure
4200FS. When applying sealant to light fixture, be careful to protect the lens from
any abrasive surface/floor so as not to remove the protective Tritonium coating.
If bottom painting your lights ensure lens is free of any paint / residue.
Once hull preparation is complete (see step 1), the light can be inserted into
the hole previously prepared. Apply generous amounts of the sealant you are
using to the back perimeter of the light body. Make sure to generously coat
the cable of the light where it meets the back of the light. There should be an
unbroken bead of sealant around the perimeter of the light unit.