6.4.4 You will be required to return the faulty part with the attached WC number to the appropriate address in
section 6.4.2. The return of the part is at your expense.
6.4.5 The part will be investigated and if the cause is established to be a manufacturing error or a problem with the
components we will return a replacement part to you.
6.4.6 If you require a part urgently from us, you would be required to purchase a new one from us. You then have a
maximum of 30 days to return the faulty part to us. We will investigate and if the product has a problem due
to our manufacturing will provide a full refund. If you do not think that you can return the part to us within the
30 days please contact the Service Manager. If the product is not returned within the time limit the claim will
be closed and no refund given.
6.4.7 If we are unable to find a problem with the part, we will inform you of the outcome. We can provide guidance
to possible reasons for the fault. Unfortunately we are not liable for or can fix problems with equipment &
installations that are not purchased from OceanLED. The returned product can be returned to you at your