The 2575D pan and tilt head is robustly made to high engineering standards
and little attention is required to maintain serviceability except for regular
For service beyond the maintenance items described below, contact the
OConnor headquarters or your local OConnor representative. Contact
information is provided at the end of this document.
Routine Maintenance
Replace the battery whenever the bubble level illumination is inadequate.
During normal use, check the following:
Check the effectiveness of the pan and tilt locks. Reset as necessary – see
Check the operation of the illumination of the bubble level. Replace the
battery if necessary – see below.
No other routine maintenance is required.
During normal operation the only cleaning required is a periodic wipe down
with a lint-free cloth. Any dirt that accumulates during storage or periods of
non-use may be removed with a semi-stiff brush. Particular attention should
be paid to the dovetail faces of the camera mounting area.
NOTE: Use only detergent-based cleaners. DO NOT use solvent-based or
oil-based cleaners, abrasives or wire brushes to remove accumulations of dirt
as these will damage the protective surfaces.
Use out-of-doors under adverse conditions may require special attention and
the head should be covered when not in use. Salt spray should be washed
off using fresh water at the earliest opportunity. Sand and dirt act as an
abrasive and should be removed using a semi-stiff brush or a vacuum
Operator's Guide - OConnor 2575D Pan and Tilt Head
OConnor Engineering