2575D Fluid Pan & Tilt Head
Pan and Tilt Locks
The pan and tilt friction locks are operated by levers on the left of the head. The locks should be
applied whenever the camera/head is left unattended.
Rotate the pan lock lever clockwise (toward the front of the head) to engage the lock.
Rotate the tilt lock lever counter clockwise (upwards) to engage the lock.
If the lock does not fully engage at the end of the lock lever travel, refer to “Adjusting the Lock
Levers" in the Servicing section.
Pan and Tilt Fluid Drag
Both the pan and tilt mechanisms incorporate the OConnor ultra smooth fluid drag system to
ensure smooth movement. The pan drag adjustment knob is located on the lower right rear of
the head, and the tilt drag adjustment knob on the lower left of the head. Both controls are
continuously adjustable from 0 to 9. To increase drag, turn the knob clockwise, towards a higher
setting. To decrease drag, turn the knob counter-clockwise, towards a lower setting.
Storing the head
When shooting is finished and the head is to be stored, head settings (i.e. counterbalance and
fluid drag) should be left unchanged. This will reduce wear on the head's mechanisms and save
time on the next shoot.