Heart Rate
speed interval
The Heart Rate Speed Interval program focuses on power and speed using
alternating one-minute intervals of
of your theoretical maximum
heart rate (TMHR). It combines steeper (higher resistance) intervals with
changing speeds. To begin the program, use the Up Arrow (
) and Down Arrow
) keys or the numeric keypad to enter the program settings as prompted by
the message center: Workout Time, Age, High Target Heart Rate (defaults to
85% of your TMHR), and Weight. The computer sets your initial Low (65%)
Target Heart Rate value relative to the value you enter for the High Target
Heart Rate. The program begins with a warm-up. If you reach your target heart
rate during the warm-up, the warm-up ends and the heart rate control portion
begins. The resistance increases or decreases at the end of each one-minute
period to get you to the next interval. When you reach the new target heart
rate, the new one-minute interval begins. The display will prompt you to
increase or decrease your effort until the desired heart rate is reached. The
better your physical condition, the more intervals you will be able to accomplish
in the same period of time. At any time during the program you can change
the target heart rate of the current interval using the Up Arrow (
) and Down
Arrow (
) keys.
Example for a 40-year-old person:
220 – 40 yrs. old = 180 TMHR
*.65 = 117 Low interval target heart rate
*.85 = 153 High interval target heart rate