LIDAR Rangefinder
Ocular Robotics Ltd
LIDAR Rangefinder
The design of the RE08 3D scanning LIDAR allows for a high degree of independence
between the scan patterns being executed and the behavior of the rangefinder. The
rangefinder provides extremely rich information about the area being scanned, and also
has a variety of modes of operation depending upon the desired performance.
This section of the user manual will discuss the various modes and options available for
configuring the RE08’s rangefinder system, and the metadata returned by the RE08 in
addition to 3D range-bearing-elevation (RBE) observations.
Modes of Operation
The RE08 LIDAR system supports three modes of operation. These modes differ in both
the sample rate available, the maximum range capability and the number of individual
measurements averaged for each reported range measurement.
Fundamentally, the rangefinder transmits 25,000 pulses per second in all operation
modes. The reduction in effective sample rate in LR and ER modes comes as a result of
pre-detection averaging of multiple pulses before target detection is performed. This
results in increased performance to long-range or low-reflectivity targets, but also an
increase in the time taken to acquire each range measurement.
High-Speed Mode (HS)
The High-Speed mode allows for the highest possible sample rate, with the 25,000
transmit pulses per second being treated independently.
Long Range Mode (LR)
Long Range mode extends the range of the RE08 by performing 5-sample pre-detection
averaging. This gives an improvement in the maximum range capability of
approximately 50% and a reduction in the range dispersion of observations as 5
separate pulses are being averaged in order to detect targets.