Only use your headset
Serious injuries can occur
from tripping or running into
or striking walls, furniture,
other objects or people, so
clear an area for safe use
before using the headset.
Take special care to ensure that you are not near
items that you may hit or strike, or areas which may
cause you to lose your balance when using—or
immediately after using—the headset, like other
people, objects, stairs or steps, ramps, sidewalk(s),
balconies, open doorways, windows, furniture,
open flames (like candles or fireplaces), ceiling
fans or light fixtures, televisions or monitors, or
other things.
Proper use of the Guardian system is important
for setting up a safe environment. Please set up
the Guardian system prior to use as described in
the Guardian system section below.
Consider having another person act as a spotter
while you move around in your virtual world.
Take appropriate steps to prevent people
(particularly children) or pets who do not
understand that your perceptions are limited
from entering your play space.
Interaction of the Real World and
the Virtual Environment
Ease into the use of the headset to allow your body
to adjust; use for only a few minutes at a time at
first, and only increase the amount of time using
the headset gradually as you grow accustomed to
virtual reality. Looking around and using the input
device when first entering virtual reality can help
you adjust to any small differences between your
real-world movements and the resulting virtual
reality experience.
Take at least a 10- to
15-minute break every 30
minutes, even if you don’t
think you need it. Each
person is different, so take
more frequent and longer
breaks if you feel discomfort.
You should always take
regular breaks and you should decide what break
schedule works best for you.