8.2. How to remove the strut bladders
1. Remove the rubber hose form the strut valve.
2. Push the bladder valve in the strut empty space.
3. Turn it sideways and have a close look at the front part of the strut.
4. Disconnect the small white rope from the loop webbing.
6. Pull out the white rope carefully.
5. Take one of the flying lines and halve it. Connect the white rope to this line and secure it with two knots.
7. Turn the strut over to the other side and push the valve into the strut.
8. Ensure that the valve can move inside the strut freely.
9. Now have a look at the strut end.
10. Remove the strut flap and pull carefully on the bladder.
11. Insure that the flying line you attached at the front of the strut can slide through the strut hole easily.
12. Pull out the entire bladder through the strut end.
13. Remove the flying line from the bladder, ensuring that you keep the flying line inside the strut in order to be
able to replace the bladder again.
14. To reinstall please follow the above procedure backwards.
8.3. Bladder Repair
For repairing small bladder holes we recommend to use the repair kit from Odo Kiteboarding or should you note
able to manage this repair refer to a professional kite repair center
1. Inflate the bladder and wipe it with a sponge soaked in soapy water or submerge portions of the bladder in a
tub of water. Air bubbles indicate holes.
2. Mark the hole and deflate the bladder.
3. Dry the bladder around the hole.
4. For small holes use the self-adhesive repair patches.
5. For bigger holes: cut a round patch out of the enclosed tube material.
6. Spread the patch and the damaged area with a thin layer of contact glue and let both sides begin to dry.
7. Now press both sides together.
8.4. Re-inserting the leading edge bladder
1. Before you begin to reinsert the bladder make sure the air valves are aiming in the direction of the valve
2. Fold the bladder according the picture and lay the folded bladder in front of the zipper of the leading edge.
K1 - YO Kite User Manual