(Rev. 14) 11/19
= possible injury to patient or operator
= possible damage to equipment
= Provides additional information to clarify a point in the text.
= Similar to a note but of greater emphasis
|O|O (INT)
= intermittent; cycles ON and OFF
| (CONT)
= continuous, ON
= Consult Instructions for Use
= Serial Number
= Manufacturer
in Inch
Intermittent Suction Unit
Kilo pascals (kPa x 7.50 = 1 mmHg)
mmHg Millimeters of mercury
(mmHg x 0.133 = kPa)
mm Millimeters
mL Milliliters
Degrees Celsius
Degrees Fahrenheit
N-m Newton-Meter (N-m x 0.737 = ft-lb)
Foot-Pound Force (ft-lb x 1.356 = N-m)
in-lb Inch-Pound Force (ft-lb x 12 = in-lb)
DISS Diameter Index Safety System
NPTF National Pipe Thread Female (USA)
NEO Neonatal
PED Pediatric
PTS Push-To-Set
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
The Pre-Use Checkout Procedure must be performed before using the equipment on each patient. If the
regulator fails any part of the Pre-Use Checkout Procedure, it must be removed from service and repaired
by qualified service personnel.
Do not use this device in the presence of flammable anesthetics. Static charges may not dissipate and a
possible explosion hazard exists in the presence of these agents.
This device is to be used only by persons who have been adequately instructed in its use.
Factory settings may be impacted during transport therefore, the unit’s timing cycle
be checked
prior to
use and adjusted if necessary (see PTS-ISU Service Manual 7/Service Checkout Procedure,
Section 7.6 Timing Cycle Adjustment).
To reduce service personnel exposure to hazardous contamination, clean and disinfect all suction
equipment before disassembly.
To reduce transportation personnel and/or service personnel exposure to hazardous contamination, DO NOT
ship any suction equipment that has been contaminated.
Ohio Medical will assume no responsibility for incidents which may occur if the product is not used in
accordance with product labeling.
Connection to positive pressure sources such as oxygen and medical air, even momentarily, could injure
the patient or operator.
After patient use, regulators may be contaminated. Handle in accordance with your hospital’s infection
control policy.
To help prevent aspirate from entering the device, wall outlet and pipeline equipment, a safety trap
should be attached prior to its use. Aspirate in the device, wall outlet and pipeline equipment may impair
its operations. The use of the safety trap and suction filter will help prevent this and extend the life of
suction equipment.