UNIX Printing Software Administration and Installation Guide
Chapter 3: Installing and Configuring UNIX Printing Software on an IBM/AIX System
2. Enter the super user password. Press
Create a Temporary Directory
You must make a temporary directory for the UNIX Printing Software kit. Instructions
are as follows:
1. Enter the following command at the command line. Press
# mkdir /tmp/install
2. Enter the following command at the command line. Press
# cd /tmp/install
3. Your next step is to mount the CD-ROM. Refer to the next section, Mount the
CD-ROM for instructions on how to accomplish this task.
Mount the CD-ROM on an IBM/AIX System
Instructions on how to mount the CD-ROM on an IBM/AIX System are as follows
Instructions are as follows:
1. Create a directory to serve as the mounting point for the CD-ROM.
Refer to the section
“Create a Temporary Directory” on page 3-44
for instructions
on how to complete this task.
Your CD device file will most likely be
2. Mount the device on the mount point by entering the following command:
# /usr/sbin/mount -v cdrfs -r /dev/cdo /mycdrom
is read only.
where -
v cdrfr
is the cd file system type.
is the CD-ROM device file
You must have super user privileges to complete this task. Refer to the section,
“Super User Privileges” on page 3-43
for instructions on how to become a super
You must have super user privileges to complete this task. Refer to the section,
“Super User Privileges” on page 3-43
for instructions on how to become a super