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Format: ^MLa
a = Maximum label length
203-dpi printer:
: 406 to 7917
inch : 2 to 38 (406 to 7826 dots)
mm : 51 to 989 (408 to 7912 dots)
300-dpi printer
: 600 to 11700
inch : 2 to 38 (609 to 11582 dots)
mm : 50 to 975 (600 to 11700 dots)
Default: "MAXIMUM LENGTH" in the Z-MODE parameter
When omitted: This command is ignored.
*1 When parameter a is received in inch or mm format, it is converted to dot format and saved.
*2 While the settable range for "MAXIMUM LENGTH" in the Z-MODE parameter is from 50 to 15000
(5.0 mm to 1500.0 mm), the first decimal place is ignored in actual processing.
*3 Used as the maximum feed amount in an automatic calibration.
• In the same way as the “MAXIMUM LENGTH” in the system mode for Zebra, this command
can be used to modify the maximum feed length for automatic calibration.
*4 If a value less than the minimum value or exceeding the maximum value is entered, such value will
become invalid and the value for the “MAXIMUM LENGTH” is used for operation.
*5 The entered value is reflected in the "MAXIMUM LENGTH".
*6 The maximum feed length is limited to 840 mm.