OLIMEX© 2015
A13-SOM user's manual
2.7.1 Android calibration
Calibrating a display under Android is pretty straightforward from the Android application.
Important: initially the boards are calibrated for a specific display and resolution. If you re-write the
image (no matter whether the SD card or the NAND memory) you might need to use a mouse to
calibrate the display initially. It might be impossible to calibrate it only by using the touch
component over the display.
2.7.2 Debian calibration
The command that allows calibrating in Debian Linux is:
The default Debian video output configuration is set to 7 inch LCD display (800×480). If you want
to change to other video output resolution refer to chapter 2.6 Changing the default image
If the problem is under Debian Linux make sure you are properly logged in the LXDE interface!
Else applying calibration would not happen for the current user – if you are calibrating from the X
graphical interface make sure that you are logged as user “olimex” (if calibrating without the X, the
user is “root”).
#su olimex
enter the password: “olimex”, then calibrate the touch screen and reboot the board
#sudo reboot
2.8 Software support
We maintain Linux and Android images for SD card which might be downloaded for free and
modified as the user wishes. The latest images and updates are featured at the wiki article of the
We usually try to provide details on how to build the Linux and the Android images at our
wordpress page:
Another useful place is the Olimex forums where a lot of people share their experience and advice:
The official images are a constant work-in-progress – newer releases are packed with better
hardware support, newer kernels and extra features.
You are more than welcome to send or share your suggestions and ideas at our e-mail, the public
forums or irc channel. We would attempt to help in almost every case. We listen to the feedback and
if the majority of users suggest a software change or update we try to implement such. Customer
feedback is very important for the overall state of the software support. However, do not expect full
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