OLIMEX© 2014
STM32-P407 user's manual
Rowley CrossWorks, etc.
Olimex distributes a free IDE that works with our OpenOCD programmers:
At the moment of writing this guide our ARM programmers/debuggers equipped with an ARM-
JTAG-SWD work fine (out-of-the-box) with Rowley CrossWorks.
2.3 Powering the board
P5 V DC to the board's power jack, OR +5 V via the JTAG or TRACE connector (before
providing the power set the PWR_SEL jumper in the correct position)
Additionally the board can be powered using the PROTO AREA pads. Provide 5V to the respective
pad with the same label. Ground pad is named AGND.
On powering the board the PWR LED, the SATA4 LED and the display should turn on. The
SATA1, SATA2 and SATA3 LEDs must start blinking consecutively.
If measuring the current consumption it should be around 30 mA.
2.4 Prebuilt software
On arrival the board has a basic demo installed which features test of the LEDs, the LCD, the
joystick, the camera.
Note that the demo provided by Olimex LTD is the same as the demo provided for STM32-P207
though not optimized for the F407 processor.
IMPORTANT: If you have only a programmer with JTAG interface and you need to turn off the
peripherals using the JTAG signals press WKUP button (if there is a reset after programming you
might need to keep it pressed)! Pressing WKUP button will turn off those modules and will allow
JTAG reprogramming. T
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