ating the
ting the
ting the
ting the
ting the TTTTTraining Mode
raining Mode
raining Mode
raining Mode
raining Mode
Proceed as follows to switch the cash register into the training
1. Turn the PRG control key to the PRG position.
2. Type [666666] and press the [Amt Tend/TOTAL] key. A dot
indicating the Training Mode On condition is displayed on the left-
hand side of the operator and customer displays.
3. Turn the key to the REG 1 or REG 2 position to perform normal
cash register operations.
Exiting the
Exiting the
Exiting the
Exiting the
Exiting the TTTTTraining Mode
raining Mode
raining Mode
raining Mode
raining Mode
Proceed as follows to exit the training mode and therefore re-enable
the cash register to record all sales transactions in the X and Z
management reports and in the machine totals.
1. Turn the PRG control key to the PRG position.
2. Type [555555] and press the [Amt Tend/TOTAL] key.
3. Turn the key to the desired operating position.
Cash Reg
Cash Reg
Cash Reg
Cash Reg
Cash Register Pr
ister Pr
ister Pr
ister Pr
ister Programming
This cash register can be programmed to tailor its features according
to your specific needs. This programming facility allows you to:
Define three-digit secret codes for each of the 15 programmable
Define clerk names
Set a machine number
Set the date and time
Personalize customer receipt headers
Set percent discount (-%) rates
Set percent plus (+%) rates
Define fraction rounding
Define decimal point positions
Define up to four VAT rates
Define Price Look-Ups (PLUs) for individual items and enter an
item description
Define tax status and High Digit Lock Out to the minus key
Define tax status, High Digit Lock Out, Single/Multiple item sale
and relative price to a determined defined department
Set an exchange rate for the Euro currency
Personalize currency convert captions and credit captions on the
receipts and reports
Program time reports
Program the different system options available
Define manager passwords for the PRG, X and Z modes.
Set some of or all of the above features, depending on your business
needs. These program settings will reside in the cash register's memory
until you change them or deactivate the battery back-up system.