Date 29/6/2021
Document number 921100409_09_002
Page 52 of 73
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Change point address
This option may be used in order to change a specific point’s address,
in purpose of replacement, adding new point or other modifications
on the installation.
This function will send a command to change the address of all
connected devices to the selected loop. Therefore, in order to change
a point’s address, connect the target point only, disconnect all other
points (by removing the loop’s detachable terminal). You can use a
short 2-core cable to connect the –L/+L contacts directly on +IN/-IN
of the point (no need for loop return).
When selecting this option, the system asks for the loop output to be
used for changing a point’s address. Make sure that you have
selected the same loop that you have temporarily removed all of its
other points. Select a loop and press Enter key.
Then the following screen on the right is shown. The “OLD” address,
indicates the current address of the connected point. The “NEW”
address indicates the selected address to be assigned. Use up/down
keys to select another address and Enter key to confirm command.
Figure5-21.Change point address
Do not use this function while more than one addressable points are connected to the
selected loop.
General resound
” option will display the screen on the right.
By selecting YES, the general resound parameter is activated. This
means that after sending “
” command on an alarm
event, a new alarm event will trigger again the audible alarm signal,
leading to siren resounding.
By selecting NO, this parameter is inactive, meaning that when the
audible alarm is on silence, a new alarm event will keep the sirens
” key functionality is not altered by the
option above. Silencing and re-enabling manually the sirens is
always available.
Please note that when a network of panels has been installed, all
subpanels must have the same setting with the master panel.
Figure5-22.General resound
Conventional sirens
” option will display the screen on the
right, where you can select the activation of the siren output. By
default all conventional siren outputs are enabled on general alarm.
First, you have to select the siren output. Select the output number
(1 to 4) and press Enter. The configuration steps are appearing with
the following order:
- On alarm: Select delay from 0-10 minutes and selecting NO you
choose if it will be activated at SIREN SILENCE. By selecting NO 2
Figure5-23. Setup conv. sirens