/Image Acquisition
2 - 5 9
Set the interval time using the <
> or <
> button in the [Interval] text box.
An image with no interval can be acquired by entering [0] in the [Interval] text
In this case, the [Interval] text box shows “Free Run” message.
Using < > button also sets the [Interval] text box to “Free Run”.
5 Setting the number of scans
1. Set the number of scans using the <
> or <
> button in the [N] text box in the [Time
Series] sub-panel.
6 Acquiring image
Click the <XYZT> button in the [Acquire] panel.
The acquired image will be displayed in the [Live] panel.
When the built-in power supply for transmitted light illumination is used for a long period
in the XYZT mode, the metallic parts may be expanded by heat, causing the focusing to
be deviated. To acquire precise image data, it is recommended to turn off the power of
the transmitted light.
While acquiring an image in the XYZT observation mode, clicking the <STOP SCAN> button
changes the buttons at the upper part of the [Acquire] panel as shown below. The
<Resume> button restarts image acquisition at the frame next to the frame where the
acquisition is suspended.
<Resume> button
Restarts image acquisition at
the frame next to the frame
where the acquisition is
<Series Done> button
Determines the acquired
images. Once this button is
clicked, it is not possible to
append an image.