/Image Processing
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One Point!
When arbitrary portion of XYT image is extracted and plural numbers of [No. Display]
columns at T columns are selected, the dialog box as shown below will appear in case that
number of units at Z portion of [No. Display] on all T columns are not the same number of
In [Extract] dialog box, grid candidates that are short appear in red.
Selection of grid candidates that are short is done as follows.
1. Verification will be done whether or not the same numbers of Z elements are selected
against all grids in T direction.
2. When there are grids in which Z elements are short, the selection of Z element position
equal to Z element that corresponds to previous T element will automatically be done.
When <OK> button of [Extract Status] dialog box is clicked, the extraction for grids including
the grids displayed in red will be done . When <Cancel> button is clicked, extraction will be