Software Setup/
Setting the System Configuration
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Click the [Objectives] icon in [User Settings] to display the [Objectives] panel in the front
In this panel, select the items to be included in the list of objectives used by the
FLUOVIEW application. (Each user should set the objectives that the user wants to use
<To delete an unnecessary objective from the list>
In the list on the right, double-click the objective to be deleted from the list.
When the dialog box as shown below appears, select the <Delete> button.
<To change the details (objective name, pinhole No., magnification) of an objective>
Double-click the objective for which you want to change the detailed information. When
the dialog box appears, change the desired information items and select the <OK>
<To add an objective to the list>
Double-click “Double Click here...” at the top of the list on the right. When the dialog box
appears, set the detailed information on the new objective and select the <OK> button.
<To add one of the objectives in the list on the left to the list on the right>
Place the mouse pointer on the objective to be added in the list on the left, and drag it to
the list on the right.
List of objectives
that can be used
List of all objectives
available at present
[Objectives] icon