the dryer starts as soon as the compressor is switched on and will only stop when it is switched off.
Alarms Delay:
Defines the delay with which the dryer alarms are displayed.
Alarm type:
Defines the effects of the alarm on the compressor:
blocks the compressor.
warning without blocking the compressor.
Extra run:
Defines the time in which the dryer must continue to work, also after the compressor motor has stopped,
if the functioning mode is set to automatic.
Condensate Drainage Menu
Condensate drainage on:
Condensate drainage enabling.
Defines the time in which the condensate drainage solenoid valve remains closed.
Opening time:
Defines the time in which the condensate drainage solenoid valve must stay open.
Functioning mode:
Defines the functioning mode of condensate drainage:
condensate drainage only takes place when the compressor is on and in loaded mode.
condensate drainage is always on.
Factory Menu
Oil pre-alarm:
Defines the advance time with which an oil temperature pre-alarm should sound compared to the
maximum oil temperature.
Maximum temperature:
Defines the surpassed maximum oil temperature value to generate an alarm and block the
Minimum temperature:
Defines the minimum oil temperature. If the oil temperature detected is lower, an alarm sounds
and the compressor is blocked.
Thermic drift:
Defines the maximum variation per second of the oil temperature. If surpassed, an alarm sounds and
the compressor is blocked.
Max. Press. Alarm:
Defines the permitted pressure of the compressor. If surpassed, an alarm sounds and the compressor
is blocked.
Maximum pressure:
Defines the maximum pressure value which can be set in the parameter “No Load Pressure”.
Total Hours:
Indicates the working hours of the main motor.
Loaded hours:
Indicates the working hours the compressor is loaded.
Indicates the dryer probe temperature
Indicates the inverter output. Automatically switches.
Star/delta time:
Defines the duration of the star phase during start-up of the main motor of the compressor.
Load delay:
Defines the delay to enable the solenoid valve to command the calculated suction of the regulator from
the moment in which the motor is considered fully operational.
Sub-menu for inverter configuration (see INVERTER MENU paragraph).
Load insertion temperature:
Defines the screw oil probe temperature threshold in which the loaded command solenoid
valve of the suction regulator can work
Stand-by time:
Defines the stand-by time in which the compressor cannot re-start after a stoppage or a re-start of the
control unit.
NOBEL DV 45-55_NOBEL 75 E DV CSA - Cod.197EE0696ML - Rev.0 02/2020