(please refer fig. 7 on page 6)
Little, if any, assembly is required of this strut spring
compressor. Familiarize yourself with the illustrations
in the operator's manual. Know your strut spring
compressor and how it operates before attempting to
A. For beam mount
1. Attach Lower Wall Brackets (#14 & #16) to Upright
(#13) using 4 Bolts (#15), 8 Washers (#20) and 4
Nuts (#26). Please refer fig. 2.
2. Insert Ram Piston into Strut Spring Channel (#18)
and tighten using Bolt (#17).
Hardware needed to secure product to wall is
not included.
B. For bench or floor mount
1. Attach Lower Wall Brackets (#14 & #16) to Upright
(#13) using 4 Bolts (#15), 8 Washers (#20) and 4
Nuts (#26), please refer fig. 3 (for bench) or fig. 4
(for floor).
Bench table must be minimum 3/4" thickness if
hardwood or pressboard is used.
2. Insert Ram Piston into Strut Spring Channel (#18)
and tighten using Bolt (#17).
Hardware needed to secure product to beam is
not included.
C. Support leg option
1. Attach each Support Leg (#37) to Upright (#13)
using 4 Bolts (#40), 4 Nuts (#41) and 8 Washers
(#42), please refer fig. 5 & 7.
Do not attach lower wall brackets with support
leg option.
2. Insert Ram Piston into Strut Spring Channel (#18)
and tighten using Bolt (#17).
Before using, apply a light coating of bearing
grease to mid-section of upright.
Fig. 2
connect to base
(1st & 3rd hole)
connect to
left lower
wall bracket
Fig. 3
connect to base
(1st & 3rd hole)
connect to bench
left lower
wall bracket
Fig. 4
connect to base
(2nd & 3rd hole)
left lower
wall bracket
Fig. 5