The HFS DAQ is a data acquisition system intended to
read and record measurements from HFS heat flux and
integrated temperature sensors. The instrument has 8
differential channels in which 4 HFS complete sensors can
be plugged in to record both heat flux and temperature
from each sensor. The accompanying program allows the
user the choice to start and stop recording the data from
the sensors, toggle viewing the heat flux and temperature
plots for the different channels, and save a data run to a
.csv file.
Hardware Setup
The device has 8 differential channels to plug the sensors into. Each individual sensor
requires 2 channels (one for measuring heat flux and one for temperature.) There are 4 wire
leads coming out of each heat flux sensor. The red and white leads twisted together are the
heat flux sensor leads and should be plugged into channels 1, 3, 5, and 7 with the red wire
in the positive terminal of each channel and the white wire in the negative terminal. This
should give a positive heat flux signal for heat flowing through the top of the sensor but
positive and negative heat fluxes can be defined any way. The pale blue and red leads
twisted together are the thermocouple leads for measuring temperature. They must be
plugged into channels 2, 4, 6, and 8 with the blue wire in the positive terminal and red wire
in the negative terminal. (This is standard for T-type thermocouples.) The picture below
shows how the sensors should be plugged into the device.
Software Installation
Begin software installation by connecting the circuit to the computer via the USB cord
included in the package. If the Arduino drivers do not automatically install onto the
computer when plugging in the device, follow these instructions:
1. Plug the USB stick included in the package into your computer
User Manual