Chapter 6:
Updating DataSuite Software and
DataSuite supports automatic software and firmware update whenever DataSuite is launched,
as long as the computer is connected to the Internet. The update process is managed by
client. This client checks for updated software and firmware files located on
the Omega server, and if any have been detected they are downloaded and updated on the
user’s computer. The user can also have DataSuite automatically update the network units’
firmware or can choose to do so manually.
OM-DAQLINK is also supported by an easy USB firmware update process.
In addition to automatic firmware update, the DataSuite user can also manually update the
firmware via the Firmware Update Center or from the Logger icon in Map View. Refer to the
relevant sections in this chapter for more details.
Using the Uptodata Client
Use the Uptodata client to perform automatic checks for updated DataSuite software module
and firmware versions, including updated versions of this OM-DAQLINK and DataSuite user
guide. Once downloaded, DataSuite software and logger firmware is automatically updated.
However, you also have the option to manually update firmware rather than automatically.
To use the Uptodata client follow the instructions below.
1. Ensure the computer is connected to the Internet and launch DataSuite.
2. Launch the
update client from the DataSuite main menu:
Help > Check for
3. You will be prompted to proceed to check for new updates. Click
. The client will then
check for updates on the server, including updates to the Uptodata client itself.
Figure 45:
Uptodata dialog
4. Once the check is complete, any new updates will be displayed in the Uptodata dialog.
Select the checkbox next to the file you wish to update and click