DVR/Cable Boxes
In the pre-wash bath, mix 1 part AquaClean and 64 parts clean water.
In the ultrasonic cleaning bath, preheat 1 part AquaClean and 64 parts clean water
to a temperature of 120
Remove protective cover.
Remove hard drive.
Cable Box
Remove protective cover.
Remove card if applicable.
Vacuum excess with a HEPA-style vacuum.
Using a basket, submerge the box into the pre-wash for 3 minutes.
Once complete, remove residue with spray wand.
Submerge the box into the ultrasonic tank and clean for 1 minute.
Rinse thoroughly with de-ionized water,
Use compressed air to remove excess moisture,
Dry for 10 hours at 120
Test using industry standards and replace equipment stickers.
PPE Helmets
In the ultrasonic bath, preheat 1 part Omega AquaClean with 10 parts clean water to
a temperature of 125
Place the helmet(s) in the basket and add a lid to the basket to keep the helmet(s)
from floating.
Submerge the basket into the bath and clean for 5 minutes.
Once completed, remove the basket from the bath and rinse thoroughly.