Version April 2019
HST – S – 315 2.0 User’s Manual
O . M . I . S . A . S r l
Via Verga 9/11
20845 Sovico (MB), Italy
6.3 No Contact
There is no properly established electrical contact between the weld-
ing unit and the fitting (check push-on terminal on fitting), or the
heater coil is defective.
6.4 Low Voltage
The input voltage is below 180 volts. Adjust generator output volt-
6.5 Overvoltage
The input voltage is above 280 volts. Adjust generator output volt-
6.6 Temperature Error or Temperature Sensor Defective
The measured ambient temperature is outside the operating range of
the welding unit, i.e., below – 20°C or over + 60°C.
If this error is displayed during the unit’s auto-test, the temperature
sensor is defective.
6.7 Frequency Error
T h e f r e q u e n c y o f t h e i n p u t v o l t a g e i s o u t o f t o l e r a n c e
(40 Hz - 70 Hz).
6.8 Low Current
The actual current to the fitting in the course of the welding process
is below the low tolerance threshold, which depends itself on the
parameters applicable to the fitting being processed.
6.9 Emergency Off
The welding process was interrupted by pressing the STOP key.
6.10 Used Fitting Error
After welding, the unit was not disconnected from the electrofusion
fitting, and the user tried to weld the same fitting a second time.
6.11 Welding Time Mismatch for A02 Type Fittings
With electrofusion fittings of the A02 type, the displayed welding time
is informative only. The fitting itself indicates if a proper joint was
achieved through to the end of the computed welding time. There-
fore, it may happen that no proper joint was achieved, although the
welding time count-down went down all the way to zero. The error
tells you, independently of the displayed welding time, that
the joint is flawed (welding took too long). If so, the fitting has to be
replaced and the welding operation has to be repeated.
6.12 Excess Current
The actual current to the fitting in the course of the welding process
is above the high tolerance threshold, which depends itself on the
parameters applicable to the fitting being processed.