BlueGate 1000
May 8, 2001
WIDCOMM, Inc, Proprietary and Confidential
4 Reset BlueGate 1000
BlueGate 1000 can be reset in several ways:
Click the Reset button on any internal Web page that it appears on.
Physically remove power from BlueGate 1000:
Unplug the power to the unit.
Wait 30 seconds.
Plug the power back in.
Press the hardware reset button for five seconds (see Figure 2).
NOTE: When the hardware-reset button is used to reset BlueGate 1000 the “Admin” user
name and password are restored to the factory-default settings.
BlueGate 1000 can store up to seven user names and their associated passwords. The first
name in the list is “Admin”. The remaining user names/password entries are numbered
User one through User six.
“Admin” holds the administrator’s user name and password. The information that it
contains can be re-configured (see Section
The “Admin” factory default settings are:
User name = “widcomm”.
Password = “admin”.
NOTE: When BlueGate 1000 is reset in a DHCP environment it is possible that it will have
a different IP address assigned to it by the server. See Section 5.1 for information
on how to obtain the new IP address.